Hoofbeats in the Distance — Could it be Zebras?
I was going to wait a bit before posting this, wait for understanding. But you know, I am so slow of apperception that for all of me, we might be up to our giblets in simultaneous Asian land wars before I decide I know what’s going on with this model.
Oh, that’s right.
So, why wait? I had thought I could talk about the curved folds in this piece with some sort of smooth Euclidean patter, but the arcs on this piece are not circle fragments, as I had thought, but some sort of hypebole. No, I’m not exaggerating, they really are hyperbolic. I just don’t know what to say about that.
So, give this a whack. It’s pretty. You like pretty, right? And the lovely Marcy says, if you put a loop of string through a piece of cardboard and collapsed the model around it, it could hang on the Christmas tree and be a nice gift box.
The crease pattern.