The Fitful Flog

Archive for January, 2007

30 Jan

Sinusoidal Headache

The wind is in from the Canadian tundra and the air has gotten drier and much colder — almost like winter. And that dreadful Senator Boxer from California has engineered a shortage of pseudoephedrine. Californians! What do they know of sinuses? I woke up the other morning and decided that the curves I’ve been thinking […]

21 Jan

La Flûte Mélisandienne*

Melisandean Flute Mélisande* gets half credit on this one, for suggesting that the paper on the edges could be folded down to hold the piece together. This model has a much nicer waist to it, more suggestive of an actual glass. I suppose the next step is to work on a stem and base.

18 Jan

Champagne Flute

Champagne Flute The bold lines are cut marks. Yes, yes — blasphemy. Okay, you don’t have to cut on the bold lines. If you wrap the fifth part, it’ll hold together just as well. Me, I just think it’s a more satisfying model if you give it a little cut, either side. C’mon – how […]

14 Jan

¡El Diabolo!

Photo and folding by Mélisande* ¡El Diabolo! Ah, Mephistopheles! –Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus

13 Jan

Amphigorical Math

This is a section of Giovanni Maria Cassini’s globe, a very beautiful object, which you can view in great detail at David Rumsey’s map site. You can see that Cassini knew something I was just guessing at, how to find the radius of the curve of map gores. Dr. Math tried to explain it to […]

11 Jan

lilzabubba and the Lunoid

I know that Eric has already blogged this, but this will not stop me from noting that lilzabubba (who is also known as Bekah) has made a rather more rational crease pattern for the lunoid model. And made a nice double lock on those troublesome corners — very clever, never occurred to me. lilzabubba’s Crease […]

01 Jan

The Bird in a Hexagonal Hoop

This was one of my first models, I think – I was about 13. It’s corrugated for extra goodness. I had thought it one of my simpler models, but making a CP has taught me otherwise. It’s still fun. Here’s the crease pattern. And a Happy New Year’s to all!

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