The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'compass rose jar' Category

15 Mar

Projective Planes Drifter

Cue the Ennio Morricone. Susan Goldstine came to College this week and gave a talk on topology, so I cut out of work early and attended. (Susan is no slouch of a folder, herself, by the bye — she’s done a lot of nice modular work.) Topology, I understand in dribs and drabs and some […]

15 Oct

North by Northwest

The City Fathers (a few Mothers, too) and the Department of Public Works have given me several broad hints lately that the art I pursue is no art at all, but a mere “craft or decorative art.” So be it. Urania, Muse of Astronomy and Mathematics, who used to come see me now and again, […]

11 Jun

Hako Sakuramon

St. Bonaventure, someplace in The Mind’s Journey to God, speaks of the problem of lost meaning. Not that I remember where. Meaning, like mass and unlike my dilettante learning, cannot be lost. What doesn’t get communicated through speech returns to the Godhead. A comforting thought. But when one doesn’t speak Japanese, one wonders what will […]

04 Jun

Keep Moving, Nothing to See, Here

My old friend, Payson – the one who lives in Belo Horizonte – when he was a boy, went on a coach tour of some city in Bavaria with his family. The tour had gotten a little behind schedule and the tour guide was terribly agitated. He didn’t want to take the art museum off […]

13 May

Nothing but Flowers

From the age of the dinosaurs Cars have run on gasoline Where, where have they gone? Now, it’s nothing but flowers -Talking Heads This is a compass rose. When I look at my visitor logs, I notice that I get a lot of traffic based on the fact that this site contains the words rose […]

07 May

Fujimoto Cube with Hexakaidecagonal Iris Closure

One of those four-in-the-morning ideas – what if we graft an iris closure onto a Fujimoto cube? Wow – two great tastes that taste great together. Here’s the CP and I know what you’re saying. You’re saying, “Yetch! What’s with the green lines? Blue for mountain, okay, red for valley, sure, but green?” Relax – […]

05 Mar

The 8-Sided Compass Rose Jar

I’ve been doing some more complicated things – but I thought I probably ought to put out the simple version before getting all publicly jiggy with it. This one has an iris closure going to every second corner, a nice basket weave look. This is probably the easiest version of this model to learn, but […]

20 Nov

Pentagonal Compass Rose Box and φ-Quiddity

Howdy — coming here from the Origami Resource Center? Welcome, but please be advised that this particular model is crazy difficult and just about anything else on the site would be easier to fold. Here, try the model menu. This is the Pentagonal Compass Rose Box, made from a golden rectangle. CP for American letter […]

28 Aug

The 16-Sided Compass Rose Jar, Continued

The 16-Sided Compass Rose Jar, shooting down the interior, to show the compass rose. A crease pattern to follow shortly.

28 Aug

The 16-Sided Compass Rose Jar

The 16-Sided Compass Rose Jar, showing the one-sheet hyperboloid shoulder and iris rim closure. This one is made of a 12×18 inch piece of 50# art paper. Note that the interior is the same color as the exterior. This model has no white showing. Compass rose jars, no matter how many sides, have the some […]

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