The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'square' Category

25 Jul

The Brazier

I’m not entirely sure why I find this model compelling. The proportions are pleasing and it reminds me of Philip Shen, the way it suddenly locks together at the end. I would call it simple, but it is manifestly not. The lines are simple. The pre-folding is persnickety — fussy, if you will — and […]

03 Dec

I Ought to Be in Pictures

Our subscribers by email will be seeing a whole lot of nothing, here. But if you click on the title link, it will bring you to this post and some cool video instructions for the Iso-Area Double Masu. Which is a variation on Toshikazu Kawasaki’s Iso-area Cube from Kasahara’s and Takahama’s Origami for the Connoisseur. […]

01 Apr

Zhoubi Bowl on Origami Weekly

Photo and hand by Andrew Hudson Just a note to alert our readers to another publication well worth a visit and a read: Origami Weekly began publication earlier this year and has been warmly received by the greater folding community. It is the ambitious project of two young men out West, Andrew Hudson and Jared […]

15 Mar

Claudine’s Tato

Indiscipline I do remember one thing. It took hours and hours but… by the time I was done with it, I was so involved, I didn’t know what to think. I carried it around with me for days and days… playing little games like not looking at it for a whole day and then… looking […]

29 Jan

I’m Afraid of Hegemony

[audio:DB.mp3|titles=I’m Afraid of Americans|artists=David Bowie] So, I was on the bus the other day, cheerfully folding away and rocking out to an old Bowie/Eno song and got to thinking about culture. The song was ostensibly about culture, you see — Bowie says: It’s not as truly hostile about Americans as say “Born in the U.S.A.”: […]

07 Sep

Tumbling Dice

I was rooting around in my file cabinet, looking for some piece of prose about Wendy that I had written during the Pliocene or the Pleistocene, and I came across this crease pattern. I remember drawing it — it was probably for Imagiro, an APA I belonged to, once upon a time. The model itself […]

11 May

The Lousy Susan

Because the Lazy Susan is the oldest version I know of the kaki lock, I keep coming back to it. Here, I just keep the central compartment — hence, the name — and turn the other four into Argentine pleating. (Robert Harbin says such pleating comes from Argentina and I will not argue with him.) […]

15 Mar

Projective Planes Drifter

Cue the Ennio Morricone. Susan Goldstine came to College this week and gave a talk on topology, so I cut out of work early and attended. (Susan is no slouch of a folder, herself, by the bye — she’s done a lot of nice modular work.) Topology, I understand in dribs and drabs and some […]

13 Feb

Beaver Dams?

Very fitful, this weblog has been, lately. The server is as flaky as a good streudel and the DNS errors are becoming downright whimsical — beaver dams, indeed. We’ll be moving our lodge, shortly, to a more eligible swamp. While this brief interval of clarity is lent us, we shall scribble feverishly. Mélisande* has been […]

28 Oct

Curvaceous Cube!

These are Persimmon Boxes, so named because of a paper by Naoko Takeda which discusses, among other things, self-locking kaki folds. Kaki, you see, is Japanese for persimmon. A good read, that. I’ve been experimenting with these kaki folds this week and decided I had been using them for a while now, but it’s good […]

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