23 Jun
Here we are, in the heart of Gotham, and it’s wicked noisy. But everyone we know is here, sharing techniques, models and not a few jokes. These instructions aren’t very good, but you’re welcome to try them. I’m teaching this at the Convention tomorrow. Sam Taeguk Dish SCP
Posted in circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, open source origami, sequenced crease pattern, trigonal, utilitarian by: oschene
14 Jun
“Oh, bright chimerical!” So began a very bad piece of verse, back when we wrote such things. Thankfully, the haze of age has obscured the rest of it. We imagine it was about some young lady or Anarchy or Idleness. It’s easier to believe passionately in such abstractions when one is young. Nowadays, we trade […]
Posted in circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, open source origami, tetrahedral by: oschene
07 Jun
Rex by origami joel That is, “An honest heart is a kingdom in itself.” Seneca — who used to walk around, saying stuff like that at random. Hey, mask fans — Joel Cooper has blogged about your last chance (conceivably) to score an original Cooper of your own. Going once, twice…
Posted in non-content by: oschene
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03 Jun
Stellated Curved Tetrahedron Colored Crease Pattern Some people there may be who haven’t folded this yet and still want to. The clues we left were not the easiest to follow. Here is a colored crease pattern: black for mountain, magenta for valley, gray ghost lines for folds that were there, but don’t figure into the […]
Posted in circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, modular, open source origami by: oschene
01 Jun
Peppermint Drop Bowl Crease Pattern Just because the crease pattern reminds me of a peppermint drop — you know, the kind with the red-and-white spiral? It is, of course, a Sam Taeguk dish with six lobes.
Posted in circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, hexagon, open source origami, twist by: oschene
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