The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'A4' Category

18 Nov

Like a Bad Penny — the Spiral Data Tato, Redux

This is just to note that I’ve put up a new tutorial on, this one on a model we blogged here some time back, the Spiral Data Tato. Really, it’s just been a excuse for me to learn how to use the movie setting on my camera and embed the youtubes and such.

29 Apr

Three Card Monte — Again?

Yeah, there’s a contest over at and I’ve never been much for contests, but this one has a really cool prize — an SD card with Wi-Fi built in. Got to say, that caught my eye. If you’ve already folded one of these, you could certainly give this a go-by. Nothing new here. Well, […]

30 Jul

The World Box

Sure, the Icosahedral Twist Box is great, but a little bland. You could soup it up with some fancy paper, maybe, or you could go with my original conception and make a World Box. The World Box is in honor of the first international exhibition on origami tessellations, July 29th through August 6th at the […]

30 Jul

Icosahedral Twist Box

This is ambi-epistolary – hey-ho, there’s a nonce-word for the ages! Yes, ambi-epistolary, it can be made with equal facility out of letter paper of either persuasion, A4 or American 8½ ×11″. How’s that for thinking globally? You make two pieces and one fits into the other. Or the other way around. The male becomes […]

10 Dec

Geflocktne Dreidl

Dreidl is a Yiddish word meaning “top” or “little spinning thing.” Geflocktne means “twisted” or “interwoven.” I’m not in the least sure about the inflection – please feel free to send corrections. This one is showing nun up, meaning that you win nichts, nada, niente, nichievo, not so much. Spin again, please. At Hanukkah, it […]

14 Aug

Spiral Data Tato

CP (American Letter) CP (A4) Slideshow Update: now there’s an tutorial with video and everything! It all started in a Marketing and Recruiting meeting at this telecom call center I was working for. It was at the height of the dot-com idiocy and I must admit, I was being just as idiotic as the […]

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