The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'octagon' Category

06 Nov

Scalloped Tato Boxes

Some folks were asking for blank scalloped tato box patterns, so that they could make their own. By all means: 7-Sided Tato Box, Scalloped 8-Sided Tato Box, Scalloped The logo should be centered at the midpoint of the polygon’s sides, which is also the radius of the semicircle. There will be some loss of the […]

22 Jul

‘Leventy-Seven Bowl

Yesterday, on the way home, I ran into Wendy, who was sitting on the sidewalk, begging. To be fair, it’s not something she does often. But such sights always throw me into ethical conniptions. Do you give them money, do you not give them money, do you give money to a third party…it doesn’t matter. […]

03 Mar

The Steamed Bun Box

Dang, that sounds a little outré. But I really am referencing Chinese food. The sides bulge over the base, giving it that bun appearance. This is, of course, just a variation of the Smart Waterbomb, but it’s one I like. The small radius of the octagon is one-quarter the radius of the circle. Steamed Bun […]

13 Feb

Beaver Dams?

Very fitful, this weblog has been, lately. The server is as flaky as a good streudel and the DNS errors are becoming downright whimsical — beaver dams, indeed. We’ll be moving our lodge, shortly, to a more eligible swamp. While this brief interval of clarity is lent us, we shall scribble feverishly. Mélisande* has been […]

28 Mar

Incredibly Dismal, Pathetic Chord Sequence

Not that anyone is still interested, but I was in a minor snit earlier this week because a gentleman from midtown Porlock suggested that I had not credited work properly. After all, I hadn’t even seen the model cited, let alone tried to duplicate it: my umber was quite burnt. Eric, no doubt taking *cough* […]

24 Mar

Lead Foot Melvin and the Smart Waterbomb

People sometimes think that I’m hostile to Republicans because I don’t know any. While it is true that in Western Massachusetts, one may so guide one’s steps that they never cross a Republican’s track, I find that this makes it difficult to get to the bus stop on time. Indeed, I know many Republicans. Several […]

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