06 Apr
I wasn’t going to blog this idea, it being so manifestly impure and all, but it showed up on the BOS list and Jeff Rutzky has been having so much fun with it, I just had to write. Some months back, I made a curved surface fold from the traditional cocaine paper and called it […]
Posted in box, circle, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, open source origami, tetrahedral by: oschene
18 Jul
We had some email from Marc Vigo this week, which pleased us mightily. Marc is a professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and studies some fascinating stuff that is beyond our abilities to describe: modeling and computational geometry and so on. Very cool. He and his friends in the AEP Barcelona are preparing for […]
Posted in circle, creative commons, curved surface, non-content, open source origami, tetrahedral by: oschene
14 Jun
“Oh, bright chimerical!” So began a very bad piece of verse, back when we wrote such things. Thankfully, the haze of age has obscured the rest of it. We imagine it was about some young lady or Anarchy or Idleness. It’s easier to believe passionately in such abstractions when one is young. Nowadays, we trade […]
Posted in circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, open source origami, tetrahedral by: oschene