The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'tsutsumi' Category

23 Nov

Video Shout-Out

This is a video response to the Spiral Data Tato from whiteandfluffy701d, which has been on YouTube for a few months and somehow went right by me. A very nice production. (And, I should mention, detailed directions for this model can be had at Instructables.) Also well worth noting is this, which I believe to […]

18 Nov

Like a Bad Penny — the Spiral Data Tato, Redux

This is just to note that I’ve put up a new tutorial on, this one on a model we blogged here some time back, the Spiral Data Tato. Really, it’s just been a excuse for me to learn how to use the movie setting on my camera and embed the youtubes and such.

14 Aug

Spiral Data Tato

CP (American Letter) CP (A4) Slideshow Update: now there’s an tutorial with video and everything! It all started in a Marketing and Recruiting meeting at this telecom call center I was working for. It was at the height of the dot-com idiocy and I must admit, I was being just as idiotic as the […]

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