The Fitful Flog

Archive for January, 2009

29 Jan

I’m Afraid of Hegemony

[audio:DB.mp3|titles=I’m Afraid of Americans|artists=David Bowie] So, I was on the bus the other day, cheerfully folding away and rocking out to an old Bowie/Eno song and got to thinking about culture. The song was ostensibly about culture, you see — Bowie says: It’s not as truly hostile about Americans as say “Born in the U.S.A.”: […]

20 Jan

New Dawn

Though the most credulous of men, I have trouble believing many things. For instance, I don’t believe an Airbus A320 can float. Just took one from Madrid to Milan and I don’t really believe they can fly, either. It’s morning on Inauguration Day and I don’t believe those cynical criminals will actually step down on […]

19 Jan

Normal Has Nothing to Teach

Our friend and unindicted co-conspirator, origamijoel, said that to me recently and it sounded immensely wise. Joel is a soft-spoken man with an air of affable gravitas and he often says things that strike me as being immensely wise. It’s just his way. When we were sitting on the concrete on 27th Street this past […]

11 Jan

With Apologies to Mr. Ekiguchi

Well, rather a left-handed apology, as the injury to him is largely imaginary and thoroughly unintentional, but an apology, nevertheless. This is a tato box: by which I mean, an origami box with radial symmetry and a closure the resembles that of a tato, a traditional Japanese purse. In the past year, I think I’ve […]

01 Jan

Whist Box

An idea I had, early one morning — a trompe-l’œil tato box, very impure. A magician, perhaps, could work up some patter for collapsing the box, but it would be far beyond my talents. Whist is an old game — I learnt when I was in school — all I remember is that the rules […]

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