26 Jul
According to the stats machines at Flickr, this is one of the most interesting photos I’ve ever taken. I am not one to argue with machines — they tend to equivocate and braid sorites and they’re absolutely useless with analogies. I have an old Thinkpad somewhere that believes that a raven and a writing desk […]
Posted in box, catch phrase, circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, open source origami, sinusoidal, tato by: oschene
26 Apr
Proprietary origami is the old sow that eats her own farrow. That line is cheerfully stolen from James Joyce — farrow being an old way of saying piglets. The two-piece pig was created by Akira Yoshizawa or Adolfo Cerceda, depending on your point-of-view, and is found in Harbin’s Secrets of Origami. The piglets are an […]
Posted in catch phrase, creative commons, non-content, open source origami by: oschene
22 Apr
Not married to the name — if you have a better one, we’ll rename this. Scalloped Bowl Crease Pattern.
Posted in catch phrase, circle, content, crease pattern, creative commons, curved surface, hexagon, open source origami, puff by: oschene
07 Aug
Okay, it was ten years ago and the countergirl at Kinko’s® wouldn’t make a copy of this photograph until I covered up the trademarked image on the Café Goya® can. I pointed out that it wasn’t meant to be a picture of a coffee can – the can was just there for scale. But she […]
Posted in catch phrase, content, modular, open source origami, trigonal by: oschene
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