The Fitful Flog

April 1, 2009

Zhoubi Bowl on Origami Weekly

Zhoubi Bowl on Origami Weekly

Photo and hand by Andrew Hudson

Just a note to alert our readers to another publication well worth a visit and a read: Origami Weekly began publication earlier this year and has been warmly received by the greater folding community. It is the ambitious project of two young men out West, Andrew Hudson and Jared Needle, to publish diagrams on a weekly basis. And we’re not talking six-step penguins and duckies — this ain’t Origami for Eejits. In announcing their intention, Jared said:

Why, you say? Short answer: we’ve grown tired of folding the same “classic” models, and thought we’d spice it up a bit. Long answer: we’re looking for exposure, not only for ourselves, but also for the other folders that we’ll be featuring. We’re trying to freshen up the world of the advanced origami folder, while at the same time giving us a challenge and some extra experience. There is a lot of untapped talent in the amateur origami world, and it’s about time someone took notice!

Of course, it is somewhat lacking in grace for us to point at their blog the same week that they publish diagrams from your sometimes less-than-humble narrator, but if we allowed the knowledge of our native bumptiousness to curb our pen, hell, we’d never say anything at all. We will mention that the week before, the intrepid duo published the first ever (to our knowledge) CP of a Joel Cooper mask — go find that in the mainstream origami press!

Readers there may be who remember the Zhoubi Bowl — a CP appeared in these pages, oh, eons ago and some who saw it wished they had some diagrams to it. This week, Origami Weekly speaks to that desire. Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest. Then subscribe — we anticipate good things to come.

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