The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'puff' Category

04 Jul

Catch a Falling Star

We’re back from the Convention in New York and our head is still spinning a bit, but not so’s you’d notice. We can report that a good time was had by all and that Mélisande*‘s and my class on Monday went very well, indeed. Tato boxes were the topic of the day and it was […]

22 Apr

Scalloped Bowl

Not married to the name — if you have a better one, we’ll rename this. Scalloped Bowl Crease Pattern.

29 Oct

Puff Star

This fold took its inspiration from the little puffed stars we used to make by tying overhand knots in perf strips. (Remember perf strips?) Also, one night, I got to wondering, what happens if you make a bird base from a pentagon? As it turned out, the model was much cooler when made from a […]

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