The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'decagon' Category

25 Jan

Ten-Sided Yin-Yang Globe

This is a ten-sided yin-yang globe, a modular kirigami model I designed for a friend to use in a gift exchange for the 10th Gathering for Gardner. Martin Gardner wrote the Mathematical Games section in Scientific American magazine for many years and had a big influence on a lot of folks, paperfolders not excepted. My […]

04 Jul

Catch a Falling Star

We’re back from the Convention in New York and our head is still spinning a bit, but not so’s you’d notice. We can report that a good time was had by all and that Mélisande*‘s and my class on Monday went very well, indeed. Tato boxes were the topic of the day and it was […]

03 Mar

Quasi-Crystalline Tato

Not really. Maybe. Kinda sorta. I was reading this article in Science about quasi-crystals in medieval Iran and Turkey, kind of got me thinking. This is just the first thing that I folded after reading it. It starts out with a pentagon in a circle. Remember that? Quasi-Crystalline Tato SCP

03 Sep

10 Pointed Twist Star

It’s raining in New England today – the remnants of a hurricane that blew in yesterday. So, we’ll make our own sun. This one has a high wow factor – something that comes home to me on the bus, when strangers interrupt me to ask, what is that? It’s the five pointed thing – people’s […]

04 Jul

How to Make A Regular Decagon (or Pentagon, Whatever) from a Square

Both Eric and Eduardo were asking, how do you make accurate decagons out of a square? Well, when I’m after accuracy, I draw a decagon in my creaking, ancient CorelDraw 8 install and print it out. But this lacks…authenticity. I’m way big on authenticity. The method for making a decagon from a square is not […]

27 Dec

Puff Star, Redux

A Mister Richard Feder of Fort Lee, New Jersey writes in to say, “Hey, what’s the deal with the Puff Stars? How do I fold a Puff Star? Does CP stand for something? How will I know if I have folded a Puff Star or something else? What’s a perf strip? Will folding Puff Stars […]

29 Oct

Puff Star

This fold took its inspiration from the little puffed stars we used to make by tying overhand knots in perf strips. (Remember perf strips?) Also, one night, I got to wondering, what happens if you make a bird base from a pentagon? As it turned out, the model was much cooler when made from a […]

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