The Fitful Flog

March 19, 2008

Demonstrative Definition of Neatocooloweizenheimer

Paper Circuitry

I don’t think Evil Mad Scientist needs the likes of me pointing at them, but I will.

How cool is this? How easy would it be to make a manufacturing process for this? Well, maybe not a waterbomb. Me, I’d go for something that you could press once and collapse (like a Strange Fruit, for argument’s sake), but think of the sales for weddings and quinceañeras and whatnot — oh, it’s a beautiful thought.

But such a thought would probably be banned in Boston, right?

One Response to “Demonstrative Definition of Neatocooloweizenheimer”

  1. 1
    Eric Gjerde Says:

    Banned in Boston for sure.

    need I point out that it’s got *BOMB* in it’s name? It practically is screaming dangerous non-hoax device! 🙂

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