The Fitful Flog

November 18, 2007

Like a Bad Penny — the Spiral Data Tato, Redux

This is just to note that I’ve put up a new tutorial on, this one on a model we blogged here some time back, the Spiral Data Tato.

Really, it’s just been a excuse for me to learn how to use the movie setting on my camera and embed the youtubes and such.

4 Responses to “Like a Bad Penny — the Spiral Data Tato, Redux”

  1. 1
    Ignacio Says:

    Nice job!

    Thank you, very much. I’d like to fold it in the orthodox way, is it possible? For the division into 1/11ths, I always use Fujimoto iterative method, which works fine. So, I get the long vertical lines quite easily. But I can’t find the exact references for the horizontal lines. Is there an easy method, or all I can do is print the pattern?

    Thank you, very much.

  2. 2
    oschene Says:

    Thanks, Ignacio.

    The Fujimoto method would be an excellent way to get the paper divided into ninths or elevenths. (Curious readers will find a solid explanation of it here.)

    Obviously, getting the width of the CD is the important thing when making this the orthodox way. One could, of course, put the CD on the paper and measure that way, but this lacks a certain bravura, to my taste, like killing with the point when you have an opportunity to use the edge.

    With the Americadian letter paper version, you use a diagonal to find the 5/9 mark on the long edge and fold a little below it. (or, more accurately, fold an 11.25° angle from the top corner and fold where it crosses a parallel). With A4, you make the longest possible diagonal, corner to opposite corner, and just below where the diagonal crosses the second parallel is twice the width of a CD. Everything follows from there.

  3. 3
    oschene Says:

    There was a nice comment here from Jane, something to the effect of it was good to see the model again, as it was the model that first brought her to this blog, two years ago. I read it yesterday evening and was getting all nostalgic, reflecting on how many things had happened since then, and was going to respond, but then it was dinner time and I wandered off.

    Sometime during the wee hours, an unusual crashing of the blog happened. Unusual in that entire scripts disappeared from the server — if that’s a script kiddy thing, it’s a new one on me. After an hour of trying to kludge things back together again, there was nothing for it but to upgrade. This is 2.3.1, if you’re keeping score at home. Everything is as it was, but Jane’s comment and two in the moderation queue are gone. Apologies to all.

    And Jane, one wonders where we’ll all be two years hence.

  4. 4
    Basil L. Says:

    I love this CD case. Not having a printer, I had to improvise. Still, 45 minutes, it came out pretty, and I’ll definitely be using this anytime I need to give someone a CD that doesn’t have it’s own jewel case. Perhaps a CD of collected origami diagrams (proper attributions attached, of course) and CP’s…

    I’m new to this blog, but I found this technique for marking any number of equal segments, and I haven’t seen anyone mention it here. It was in, oh, some origami book.

    Take a sheet of paper (at least the size of the one you’re working with), and fold it into more equal segments than you need (I have a sheet of typing paper folded lengthwise into 16th that I keep around for this). Align the corners of your paper to line up with the appropriate fraction of the paper you folded into 16ths or whatever, e.g., the corner to the 9/16th crease. Get an pencil, and mark off the intersections… perfect 9ths. Erase the pencil marks after you fold if you’re picky (I kept them to find the diagonal folds easier).

    …Ok, so it’s not quite elegant. BUT, it’s easy, darn accurate (assuming you can fold halves accurately), and doesn’t have to leave any trace. Plus, if you ever find yourself needing to fold, oh, 23rds or something…

    Doing this and using a CD to measure the other segments (also not-so-elegant, but IMO, if it’s going to be holding a CD, measuring with said CD is the logical way to do it), I don’t miss not having a printer one bit.

    Thanks for the fold, and the willingness to share it.

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