The Fitful Flog

January 6, 2008

Gaudete! The Box of Seven Joys

The Box of Seven Joys

Box of Seven Joys Sequenced Crease Pattern

Box of Seven Joys Sequenced Crease Pattern in Postscript

This is an idea that came from a lot of places: conversations I’ve been having with Mélisande*, an old Christmas carol I listened to one evening, a twenty-hour bus ride to Hoosierland and a passing glance at a Holiday Inn logo.

The sequenced crease pattern will tell you everything except how to collapse it — for that, we’ll use video.

(I’ll mention for those of you reading this on a feed, there’s a lovely embedded video here with sprightly music and all. Click the entry link and come see.)

Evil things have befallen my database, but we will continue to keep Twelfth Night in our hearts, whatever. It is, after all, the Feast of Misrule. Please note that there are now even more choices in the random foreign word generators to the right, including Arabic and Turkish. Hey, I can see you guys looking, got no clue if you’re getting anything from it. Pushing the Latin button reminded me: translation is the best way to read me, I lose a lot in the original.

4 Responses to “Gaudete! The Box of Seven Joys”

  1. 1
    Origami para o Dia Internacional da Mulher | Origami Says:

    […] minha sugestão de origami é fazer uma caixa razoavelmente simples chamada Box of Seven Joys (Caixa dos 7 […]

  2. 2
    yuiyean Says:

    I managed to do this….finally. It is very nice and thank you for the pattern and also that Youtube video. Really helped alot.

  3. 3
    xo Says:

    Are there other directions anywhere else on the internet for this? I can’t manage it with the pdf provided….

  4. 4
    oschene Says:

    I’m afraid these directions are all there are — are you getting stuck on a particular step?

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