The Fitful Flog

February 13, 2008

Beaver Dams?

Stacking Tato Boxes on Flickr

Very fitful, this weblog has been, lately. The server is as flaky as a good streudel and the DNS errors are becoming downright whimsical — beaver dams, indeed. We’ll be moving our lodge, shortly, to a more eligible swamp.

While this brief interval of clarity is lent us, we shall scribble feverishly. Mélisande* has been to Geneva, this week, and has seen and done some wonderful things. We are particularly taken with the boîte-tato de Genève. Of making many tato boxes, there is no end, but we find we are nowise weary.

The above is a stackable version of the eight-sided tato box — it’s not too difficult, give it a whack. Here is a crease pattern for the flat-bottomed version (and postscript of the same). The model in the photograph is only marginally more complex and stacks up just lovely — a crease pattern (and postscript ditto).

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