The Fitful Flog

April 10, 2010

Again with the Smart Waterbomb

Smart Waterbomb in Mesh

Himanshu was asking the other day about how curve folds were made and I did what I usually do, respond with a text description of what I think I’m doing when I fold curves. But I’m always aware, this is not a very satisfactory way to explain it.

The Smart Waterbomb is a simple model, which is not to say easy. A thing may be both simple and difficult. This model has 12 folds in it and no reverses — that’s pretty not complex. And it holds together well. When I try out a new paper, this is one model I always fold, to see how the paper will support a curve. It’s easy to memorize the sequence of folds.

Anyway, I’ve made a video of it, so that you at home can fold along with me:

It probably bears mentioning that Californian folder, Chris Palmer, made a model that bore some similarity to this one, some years previous. Whenever you enclose space with radial symmetry, you will have this issue. As we often say, when we’re affecting wisdom, there’s nothing new under the sun. But that doesn’t mean we can’t share new ways of refracting the light.

7 Responses to “Again with the Smart Waterbomb”

  1. 1
    Charli Says:

    Gracias por las explicaciones, me parece una figura muy interesante.

  2. 2
    Ancella Says:

    Hi. I folded this model today with the help of your excellent tutorial video. I found it very easy to follow and the model came out pretty well for a first fold. Thank you very much for sharing this!
    – Ancella

  3. 3
    Leyla Torres Says:

    Hi Philip,

    I used an inkless pen to score the curved folds in this model. I know it is not a ‘purist’ way to do it, but it facilitates the process.

    In a blog post I shared some tips on how to cut a circle and how to score the curved folds for this model.


  4. 4
    kate Says:

    Hi philip,

    I’ve been having problem with the last step – collapsing the model. Any tricks for it?? thanks so much!


  5. 5
    oschene Says:

    I would recommend Leyla Torres’s excellent video explanation:

  6. 6
    Carol Says:

    Beautiful design!! Thank you very much, Philip and Leyla! I’ll try it soon.

  7. 7
    Toni Says:

    The waterbomb video ist just perfect. Thank you so much! I enjoyed just watching … and then folding – an easy task after your video!!!
    thousand folded thank yous!

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