The Fitful Flog

Archive for the 'tato' Category

04 Jul

Catch a Falling Star

We’re back from the Convention in New York and our head is still spinning a bit, but not so’s you’d notice. We can report that a good time was had by all and that Mélisande*‘s and my class on Monday went very well, indeed. Tato boxes were the topic of the day and it was […]

08 Jun

This and That

We have been uncharacteristically quiet of late — it goes with the Marshwiggle physiognomy and the unwieldy amounts of pollen in the air. But there are a few things that want mentioning. ¶ Much thought is going into tato boxes, whereof the dining room is slowly being buried. A crease pattern for the above. It’s […]

01 Apr

A Simpler Way

I have this longish post about the evils of encroaching copyright, but it keeps boring me to death and I still haven’t finished it. So, while we’re all waiting for that little gem of wisdom to roll off the presses, why not take a whack at a simpler version of the Frangipani Box? This is […]

01 Mar

Strange Fruit

It has been said that high school football is the state religion in Texas. I would disagree — the Texan religion has a darker, more pagan flavor to it. Texans are good and decent people, the ones I’ve met, but there’s something about Texas. It’s a mirrored globe — it is like the US, but […]

23 Feb

Mate Kudasai

Camera Stellata 4 Crease Pattern When I was in school, I had this roommate, Mark, who was from southern California and was studying International Education about as rigorously as it possible to study such a subject. He got a lot of phone calls. This was back before we had modems and google and so on. […]

13 Feb

Beaver Dams?

Very fitful, this weblog has been, lately. The server is as flaky as a good streudel and the DNS errors are becoming downright whimsical — beaver dams, indeed. We’ll be moving our lodge, shortly, to a more eligible swamp. While this brief interval of clarity is lent us, we shall scribble feverishly. Mélisande* has been […]

13 Jan

Shameless Self-Promotion Dept.

Here’s a fine use for the Spiral Data Tato — Jenn and Paul, down Carolina way, have a group of friends who make mixes for each other at the end of the year. They chose this model to be their cover. Imagine the éclat their mix got this year, even before it was opened! Bravo, […]

06 Jan

Gaudete! The Box of Seven Joys

Box of Seven Joys Sequenced Crease Pattern Box of Seven Joys Sequenced Crease Pattern in Postscript This is an idea that came from a lot of places: conversations I’ve been having with Mélisande*, an old Christmas carol I listened to one evening, a twenty-hour bus ride to Hoosierland and a passing glance at a Holiday […]

18 Nov

Like a Bad Penny — the Spiral Data Tato, Redux

This is just to note that I’ve put up a new tutorial on, this one on a model we blogged here some time back, the Spiral Data Tato. Really, it’s just been a excuse for me to learn how to use the movie setting on my camera and embed the youtubes and such.

29 Apr

Three Card Monte — Again?

Yeah, there’s a contest over at and I’ve never been much for contests, but this one has a really cool prize — an SD card with Wi-Fi built in. Got to say, that caught my eye. If you’ve already folded one of these, you could certainly give this a go-by. Nothing new here. Well, […]

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