The Fitful Flog

September 23, 2011

The Blues of Joy

Origami isn’t only an art form, practiced by thousands worldwide, it’s also an Australian jazz trio. And they have an album coming out.

This album comes in two forms: the now traditional digital download and as a physical CD with an origami CD cover. A rather attractive model, we think, one that may be familiar to our readers.

The packaging for the physical CD has been produced on a sort of pre-industrial basis — the paper was printed and scored at a print shop, but then folded by hand by saxophonist, Adam Simmons and others in his circle. The paper is Teslin, a synthetic stock, used mainly for ID cards — not so easy to fold, but quite resistant to tearing. Obviously, a limited release (Adam mentioned that he’d made several hundred) and bound to become a collector’s item in short order.

The music, like the packaging, is intricate in its arrangements, pushing gently at the envelope of its medium. Highly recommended to your attention.

Origami CD back


2 Responses to “The Blues of Joy”

  1. 1
    Origami’s Sydney Launch Reviewed - Listen/Hear Collective Says:

    […] have also been featured here on Phillip Chapman-Bell's blog. Phillip is the designer of the beautiful CD packaging for […]

  2. 2
    Raffaela Loffredo Says:

    I love the way you make the origamis so usefull! Congrats!

    Raffaela Loffredo

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